Investment Benefits


Solar electricity generation can be viewed as an investment. The best way to explain this is to compare the electricity expense of a household using electricity drawn only from the main electricity grid and then look at the same household after the installation of a solar PV system. We can then take this one step further and add a battery storage component to the solar PV system. A comparison of the results from the three scenarios will show us the financial benefit from the installation of a solar PV system and the additional impact of also adding the batteries. Finally, we will take a look at the time taken to pay off the solar system with the savings from the reduced electricity expense after the solar PV system installation.

It is important to note that everyone has a different situation when it comes to electricity consumption habits, so if you are serious about solar, you should get a personalised quote from Commercial Utility Solutions to ensure your system is customised to maximise your savings and returns based on your actual consumption habits